"That Sounded Like a Curse to Me!" Søster Severson's Mission Adventures Week 17 Fayetteville, NC
This week was an experience, I can't even remember when it began but it's been one.
Highlight #1
hike when service feel through. Turns out there is a like 4-wheeler
dirt pit / trail right near our apartment that had some super cute train
tracks- we were quite sweaty but it was 10/10 fun.
Highlight #2
Krista!! Also a low light because we really gotta pass her off to her
local Elders now. But she is so awesome and has such a deep
understanding of the gospel already that we trust that she will be more
than fine.
Highlight #3
called out friend Josh who we have been trying to teach for a while but
hasn't been that interested. But we called him and prayed with him and
Sister Butler promised MAD blessings. I think he just stared at us while
we prayed and then afterward he just goes "... that... sounded like a
curse..." nah Josh that's just the Spirit.
my spiritual thought for this blog I just wanted to say that I love
being a missionary. It is really really hard and awkward sometimes. But
every day I feel the assurance that this is the absolute most important
and meaningful thing that I could be doing with my life right now.
Living the gospel brings blessings and following Jesus Christ brings
more peace than anything else. I love being able to share that joy with
1. Hike
2. Car
3. Train tracks
4. RIP H2
5. Danish
6. They love jesus here !!!
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