
Showing posts from October, 2021

One More Time For the Kids In the Back-Søster Severson's Adventures in Esbjerg Denmark October 11, 2021 Week 77

 WOW LAST weekly that's WEIRD  This has actually been a really good week, we were over in Odense for the Angela Brower Concert. We had a fun time helping make food, setting up, and then putting on our white shirts and ties. Yep sisters in white shirts and ties... it was a look.  BUT we had a lot of fun talking to people and listening to the concert even though it was freezing cold.  The next day Angela gave a devotional for just the missionaries and sang a few more songs. It was really cool! We heard about transfers and Sister Kjar is headed to Odense!! They are putting Elders in Esbjerg!  Most of the rest of this week was us meeting with some of our friends and members organizing things and saying goodbye.  I am genuinely SO SAD to be passing off all of my tech work. I know I'm leaving it all in good hands but it's like my BABY. But it's ok, hopefully I'll be able to do something with everything I've learned.  Spiritual thought this week is just my testimony/gr

Party Time & Conference Favorites-Søster Severson's Adventures in Esbjerg Denmark October 4, 2021 Week 76

  This week was a party and a half!! It basically poured rain every single day and riding bikes in the rain but other than that, great week!! We actually taught some people this weekend and found some solid friends. MIRACLES. Friday was like the second time me and Kjar had taught a gospel lesson together since we became a companionship...We've basically just become English/Danish teachers! Anyways, Tuesday and Wednesday we got to be in what basically was a quad. Søster Clark and Hofmann had to come to Esbjerg from Copenhagen to get their car fixed so they stayed with us and that was fun!! Not going to lie, it felt like we just had some extra p days this week haha.  This weekend was general conference which is pretty much Christmas for missionaries. We got to watch it with some members which was super fun!! The Danes also always watch it in English so that made it easy for us!  One of my favorite talks from Conference this session was from Brad Wilcox, I love what he said in this qu