
Showing posts from November, 2019

Two Months Later...

  So um first semester is going by ridiculously fast, like it's already November. Wild. A lot has changed and a lot has happened, that I am most likely going to forget about if I don't write it all out now so here we go: 1. Social Life: Essentially non-existent, the group I was hanging out with at the beginning of the semester ended up like coupling up so I dipped out still love Liberty and Ashley as for the rest of them- they're still super nice but I just don't hang out with them anymore. Luckily my roommates and I get along really well, Claire, Kayla, Sarah and I have hung out a bunch as roommates and Elliette and Annie from the room down the hall are also super cool. 2. Academic Life: Really good, I still have a few midterms to take this week that I am stressed about but I'm doing really well in all of my classes. I also have all my classes for next semester- significantly less cool (I decided I should take math here because it will probably be easier here th...